41 research outputs found

    Gray-box Adversarial Attack of Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Trading Agents

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    In recent years, deep reinforcement learning (Deep RL) has been successfully implemented as a smart agent in many systems such as complex games, self-driving cars, and chat-bots. One of the interesting use cases of Deep RL is its application as an automated stock trading agent. In general, any automated trading agent is prone to manipulations by adversaries in the trading environment. Thus studying their robustness is vital for their success in practice. However, typical mechanism to study RL robustness, which is based on white-box gradient-based adversarial sample generation techniques (like FGSM), is obsolete for this use case, since the models are protected behind secure international exchange APIs, such as NASDAQ. In this research, we demonstrate that a "gray-box" approach for attacking a Deep RL-based trading agent is possible by trading in the same stock market, with no extra access to the trading agent. In our proposed approach, an adversary agent uses a hybrid Deep Neural Network as its policy consisting of Convolutional layers and fully-connected layers. On average, over three simulated trading market configurations, the adversary policy proposed in this research is able to reduce the reward values by 214.17%, which results in reducing the potential profits of the baseline by 139.4%, ensemble method by 93.7%, and an automated trading software developed by our industrial partner by 85.5%, while consuming significantly less budget than the victims (427.77%, 187.16%, and 66.97%, respectively)

    Log-based Anomaly Detection of Enterprise Software: An Empirical Study

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    Most enterprise applications use logging as a mechanism to diagnose anomalies, which could help with reducing system downtime. Anomaly detection using software execution logs has been explored in several prior studies, using both classical and deep neural network-based machine learning models. In recent years, the research has largely focused in using variations of sequence-based deep neural networks (e.g., Long-Short Term Memory and Transformer-based models) for log-based anomaly detection on open-source data. However, they have not been applied in industrial datasets, as often. In addition, the studied open-source datasets are typically very large in size with logging statements that do not change much over time, which may not be the case with a dataset from an industrial service that is relatively new. In this paper, we evaluate several state-of-the-art anomaly detection models on an industrial dataset from our research partner, which is much smaller and loosely structured than most large scale open-source benchmark datasets. Results show that while all models are capable of detecting anomalies, certain models are better suited for less-structured datasets. We also see that model effectiveness changes when a common data leak associated with a random train-test split in some prior work is removed. A qualitative study of the defects' characteristics identified by the developers on the industrial dataset further shows strengths and weaknesses of the models in detecting different types of anomalies. Finally, we explore the effect of limited training data by gradually increasing the training set size, to evaluate if the model effectiveness does depend on the training set size.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to QRS 2023 - 23rd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Securit

    Method-Level Bug Severity Prediction using Source Code Metrics and LLMs

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    In the past couple of decades, significant research efforts are devoted to the prediction of software bugs. However, most existing work in this domain treats all bugs the same, which is not the case in practice. It is important for a defect prediction method to estimate the severity of the identified bugs so that the higher-severity ones get immediate attention. In this study, we investigate source code metrics, source code representation using large language models (LLMs), and their combination in predicting bug severity labels of two prominent datasets. We leverage several source metrics at method-level granularity to train eight different machine-learning models. Our results suggest that Decision Tree and Random Forest models outperform other models regarding our several evaluation metrics. We then use the pre-trained CodeBERT LLM to study the source code representations' effectiveness in predicting bug severity. CodeBERT finetuning improves the bug severity prediction results significantly in the range of 29%-140% for several evaluation metrics, compared to the best classic prediction model on source code metric. Finally, we integrate source code metrics into CodeBERT as an additional input, using our two proposed architectures, which both enhance the CodeBERT model effectiveness

    An IR-based Approach Towards Automated Integration of Geo-spatial Datasets in Map-based Software Systems

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    Data is arguably the most valuable asset of the modern world. In this era, the success of any data-intensive solution relies on the quality of data that drives it. Among vast amount of data that are captured, managed, and analyzed everyday, geospatial data are one of the most interesting class of data that hold geographical information of real-world phenomena and can be visualized as digital maps. Geo-spatial data is the source of many enterprise solutions that provide local information and insights. In order to increase the quality of such solutions, companies continuously aggregate geospatial datasets from various sources. However, lack of a global standard model for geospatial datasets makes the task of merging and integrating datasets difficult and error-prone. Traditionally, domain experts manually validate the data integration process by merging new data sources and/or new versions of previous data against conflicts and other requirement violations. However, this approach is not scalable and is hinder toward rapid release, when dealing with frequently changing big datasets. Thus more automated approaches with limited interaction with domain experts is required. As a first step to tackle this problem, in this paper, we leverage Information Retrieval (IR) and geospatial search techniques to propose a systematic and automated conflict identification approach. To evaluate our approach, we conduct a case study in which we measure the accuracy of our approach in several real-world scenarios and we interview with software developers at Localintel Inc. (our industry partner) to get their feedbacks.Comment: ESEC/FSE 2019 - Industry trac

    Improving the Performance of DNN-based Software Services using Automated Layer Caching

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have become an essential component in many application domains including web-based services. A variety of these services require high throughput and (close to) real-time features, for instance, to respond or react to users' requests or to process a stream of incoming data on time. However, the trend in DNN design is toward larger models with many layers and parameters to achieve more accurate results. Although these models are often pre-trained, the computational complexity in such large models can still be relatively significant, hindering low inference latency. Implementing a caching mechanism is a typical systems engineering solution for speeding up a service response time. However, traditional caching is often not suitable for DNN-based services. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end automated solution to improve the performance of DNN-based services in terms of their computational complexity and inference latency. Our caching method adopts the ideas of self-distillation of DNN models and early exits. The proposed solution is an automated online layer caching mechanism that allows early exiting of a large model during inference time if the cache model in one of the early exits is confident enough for final prediction. One of the main contributions of this paper is that we have implemented the idea as an online caching, meaning that the cache models do not need access to training data and perform solely based on the incoming data at run-time, making it suitable for applications using pre-trained models. Our experiments results on two downstream tasks (face and object classification) show that, on average, caching can reduce the computational complexity of those services up to 58\% (in terms of FLOPs count) and improve their inference latency up to 46\% with low to zero reduction in accuracy

    Automated Test Case Generation Using Code Models and Domain Adaptation

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    State-of-the-art automated test generation techniques, such as search-based testing, are usually ignorant about what a developer would create as a test case. Therefore, they typically create tests that are not human-readable and may not necessarily detect all types of complex bugs developer-written tests would do. In this study, we leverage Transformer-based code models to generate unit tests that can complement search-based test generation. Specifically, we use CodeT5, i.e., a state-of-the-art large code model, and fine-tune it on the test generation downstream task. For our analysis, we use the Methods2test dataset for fine-tuning CodeT5 and Defects4j for project-level domain adaptation and evaluation. The main contribution of this study is proposing a fully automated testing framework that leverages developer-written tests and available code models to generate compilable, human-readable unit tests. Results show that our approach can generate new test cases that cover lines that were not covered by developer-written tests. Using domain adaptation, we can also increase line coverage of the model-generated unit tests by 49.9% and 54% in terms of mean and median (compared to the model without domain adaptation). We can also use our framework as a complementary solution alongside common search-based methods to increase the overall coverage with mean and median of 25.3% and 6.3%. It can also increase the mutation score of search-based methods by killing extra mutants (up to 64 new mutants were killed per project in our experiments).Comment: 10 pages + referenc